My name is Jennie Dial and I was born and raised in Van Nuys, CA in the San Fernando Valley, but have lived in other areas of Southern California.  I moved to San Diego in 2011 and began to build my dream of creating a place for women entrepreneurs to nurture their dreams of one day owning their own business.  I’ve always been an entrepreneur and always wanted to have my own business, and I have found that helping others was truly one of the best things I could do to continue with my entrepreneurial journey.  Real estate, interior design, and skin care were just a few of my forays, and when I moved to San Diego I developed a successful notary/loan closer business, becoming one of the top closing agents in the state.  In 2019 I decided to move to San Antonio and now actively pursuing my dream of writing children’s books, designing covers for other independent authors and helping other women to achieve their goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur.